Section 3: Financial Resources and Travel Itinerary
If you are applying for or have received funding from other institutional sources, please list these sources, as well as the real or potential amount available to you from them (note that your answers here will not affect your chances to be selected for the JAHF grant). Also indicate the city from which you will be departing.
Terms and Conditions
1) Each applicant must be a current member of the Japan Art History Forum.
2) Applicants are eligible for only one award per year. Preference is given to those who have not received a travel grant in the past two years.
3) Applicants who live within 100 miles of the relevant conference site are not eligible for this grant.
4) Awards will be distributed in the form of reimbursement. Submission of receipts will be required for reimbursement.
5) Awards will be made on the basis of receipts for actual expenses. If awardees benefit from other institutional sources of funding, they are required to disclose these sources and the monetary amount received from them.
6) Applicants may be requested to submit supplementary materials as required to support application.